Our highly experienced team have a track record of delivering highly complex, award winning projects. We leverage modern methods to deliver projects on time and budget, with an unerring focus on Health and Safety.
With our own in-house construction & fit-out platform, we have the capability to deliver a turnkey service for some of our client’s developments that are of a certain scale and complexity that can benefit from a single point sourcing.
Our Construction Director will involve the team at an early development stage to provide advice on such matters as buildability, construction methodology, statutory compliance and approvals for site logistics. Advise can also be provided on supply chain partners and specialist material suppliers and how best value can be delivered for the life-cycle of the development.
As with all developments there are often many options at different phases of construction to deliver the built form. These can have both significant budgetary and/or programme implications, whether through material choices for frames in RC or steel or simple selection of finishes we always seek to deliver through application of opportunity and risk matrix an optimised solution for best outcome.
Whether as part of a turnkey delivery or as a Development Management appointment our team can deliver a site supervision role to administer the contract, report on progress and provide detailed analysis and input on risk mitigation and quality management.